Mission Statement: "A heritage nursery is needed for propagation and maintenance of the heirloom variety of trees, shrubs and flowers from the Dudley landscape. The long-range goal is that a plant nursery should be established outside the Dudley home place but within the park, to propagate samples of all garden plant materials and important tree varieties important to Dudley Farm."
Our mission has broadened to also serve as a fundraising partner to support the Friends of Dudley Farm. We grow those “heritage” plants which are heirloom and original to the farmhouse gardens. We also grow plants native to Florida, many of which are also vital for attracting pollinators to your yard.
Visitor Center & Collections Exhibit
Get a glimpse into how the Dudley family lived at the turn of the century. Two current exhibits located in the Visitor Center are changed periodically and display personal objects from the Civil War era, and from the farmhouse. Also you can view a video of the history of Dudley Farm including listening to Miss Myrtle Dudley herself.
Farm Articles and Crafts for Sale. Our gift shop contains many handmade items such as jams and jellies, sugar cane syrup, children's toys, bonnets, brooms, and aprons. In season we have produce from the garden. Also we have a collection of books, cards, t-shirts and hats. Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun from 10am to 3 pm. (closed Thanksgiving and Christmas).
Friends of Dudley farm
18730 W. Newberry Road, Gainesville, FL 32669 (352) 472-1142